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COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Covid-19 has been difficult for everyone. We want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable coming to our classes, and that instructors and creators are as safe as possible. We will make every effort to make that happen for everyone involved. 

  • All instructors will wear masks at all times that creators are present. 

  • Creators are encouraged to wear masks if they are old enough and able to.

  • Prior to and following each class, instructors will thoroughly wash hands. 

  • All materials handled in class will be left at the creator's table and be cleaned between classes, or otherwise quarantined for a minimum of 2 weeks.

  • Chairs, booster seats and tables will be cleaned between uses.

  • Hand sanitizer bottles will be placed at each station. 

Social Distancing 
  • Each group will be seated 2 meters (6 feet) from other creators. 

  • Creators will be asked not to get up and walk around during the class.  

  • Instructors will do their best to social distance from both each other, as well as creators throughout the class. 

  • Class spaces are chosen with the ability to socially distance in mind.

Other Policies 
  • Each group will arrive to their individual supplies ready at their station. Any additional supplies needed will be provided by the instructor who will deliver them to the creators' station.

  • Any materials prepared ahead of time by instructors will be prepared with freshly cleaned hands and surfaces.  

  • Any creators showing symptoms of COVID-19 are respectfully asked not to attend and will be rebooked for a future class once they have tested negatively, or been symptom free for a minimum of 10 days.

  • Any instructors showing symptoms of COVID-19 are instructed stay home and self-isolate until a negative test can be provided. If staffing issues arise from this outcome, unfortunately the class will be cancelled and rebooked at a future date.  

  • If an instructor or creator begins showing symptoms in class, they will be asked to leave the premises and instructed to follow government protocol. In this case, any items touched by the person will be immediately removed and cleaned.  

  • When possible with weather conditions and availability, outdoor spaces will be used.

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